Cllr Kelly said;
"The HSEs decision to close
the Wexford Women's Refuge is down to them going over budget by €67,000 so far
this year. Government Ministers earn two
and a half times this in basic salary each year. The refuge served a catchment area of 150,000
people and has provided a crucial haven for hundreds of women and children who
have escaped violent relationships. How
can the HSE, government or anyone else put a price on such a vitally important
service when clearly there are other alternatives?"
"One hundred and forty seven
women and children have already been turned away from the refuge this year
because they simply haven't had the funding available to help everyone despite
the valiant efforts of the wonderful staff there. How many more running from domestic violence
will find no sanctuary over the next thirteen weeks because of an insane HSE
cost saving measure?"
"I would appeal to Ministers
Kehoe and Howlin to ignore partisan politics in the interest of human decency
and common sense and join the campaign to get the women's refuge reopened
immediately. There can be no
justification for closing this service for even one day, yet alone thirteen
long weeks."
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