The Chairperson of Enniscorthy Town Council has slammed the notion that abolishing the Seanad is somehow undemocratic. Sinn Féin Cllr Johnny Mythen said that despite all the rhetoric about the Seanad somehow bringing the government to task, suggesting that they act as an independent watch group is flying a false flag.
Cllr Mythen
"The system
of electing Senators puts the upper house in complete control of whatever party
or coalition is in power. The Taoiseach
elects 11 Senators. The T.D. s and County
Councillors elect 43.
(Again Government having the upper hand i.e. they usually have the majority of County Councillors ). Graduates of trinity college and the N.U.I.
elect another 6."
"The others
can be nominated by such bodies as, I.B.E.C. Transport industry federation,
Irish insurance federation, National of licence association, Irish thorough
breed breeders association etc. These big
organisations, their C.E.O. s, chairpersons and their board of directors are
usually former government personnel. Others are politically nominated and
appointed further contributing to the undemocratic system that undermines the
current argument of retaining such an institution."
"How any
party could defend an institution that is elected by 1% of the population and whose
ranks are filled with the old boy’s brigade for services rendered must reflect
their own standards and principles in public life."