Cllr Mythen said;
"Swallow hard and vote for
the new deal. We promise we won't be coming back for more. On examining the new
Croke Park agreement Minister Howlin's words are very true. The government
wouldn't have to come back for more because simply there would be nothing left
to take. Not forgetting the new property tax and the new water tax
that will be extracted voluntary or forcefully from wages also."
"This premise however when
examined would choke a boa constrictor, never mind a public sector worker who
earns €35,000 or less per annum. Staff
working 35 hrs. go to 37hrs. Staff
working over 35 hrs. go to 39hrs. Workers
working over 39hrs per week will provide one hours overtime ex Gratia. Sunday O/T rates will drop to one and three
quarters, while shift workers will see their one and a sixth rate disappear
altogether. This on top of a freeze on
increments ranging from three months to three years. Even to make things more unpalatable there are
built in revisions of flexi- time, redeployment and re-structuring grades."
"How many times do we have
to say it austerity isn't working. People
are already under financial strain.
Again the first casualty will be the average €35,000 workers, followed
by the domestic economy. I would like to
ask the Government if they really want to cut the "fat", how about the
quangos? Mostly politically appointed ,
and over 1008 of them .e.g. the commissioner of aviation regulation is paid 195K (including pension). Now there's a thought."