Last Saturday, the 22nd of May was an historic day for Wexford. Over the previous few weeks, serious opposition to the HSE’s planned down grading of Wexford General Hospitals services, and the planned closure of our county’s full time psychiatric unit was growing.
Facebook campaigns to highlight these issues had attracted high levels of support, and had gained attention in the established media.
However, when “Save our A&E” campaigner Seamus O’ Brien announced a plan for a health rally in Wexford town, some were sceptical. Some even opposed it at first, namely Wexford Fianna Fail and Wexford hospitals, doctor Quigley.
As the weeks moved on, oppostion fell away, as the public moved behind the campaign. Even Fianna Fail, who’s government are
carrying out the closure of public services through out the country, got behind the campaign.
Sinn féin’s campaign
Wexford Sinn Féin have been involved in this campaign from the start. For the last decade, Wexford SF councillor, Anthony Kelly, as fought for the upgrading of
Wexford General.
Last Saturday, Wexford Sinn Féin turned out in force to send a simple message to our government; Any downgrading of Wexfords health service is unacceptable, and will be heavily resisted.
The government can NOT close these services if we fight them.
RTE cant count
RTE news claimed that only four thousand potestors attended Wexford’s Health Rally. This number is false, and all parties present agreed that the number in attendence was significantly higher than this.
Prehaps the greatest obmission from RTE’s report was the level of abuse delivered to Fianna Fail elected reps, in particular deputy Sean Connick
Junior Minister refuses to support Wexford hospital
During the speeches after the protest march, all political parties were allowed a single speaker. Incredibly, dispite both Wexford Fianna Fail Tds being present, Lisa McDonald was chosen to speak for their party. Or should we say sacrificed to the lions.
It was left to Seamus O’ Brien to deliver the peoples ultimatum to Fianna Fail, when he asked deputy Connick would he be prepared to vote against Fianna Fail if the issue of downgrading Wexford’s health service was put to the Dail.Deputy Connick shook his head to indicate that he would not.
Something is wrong in a democracy when an elected rep favours his paypacket over his people.
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