One in four young people are now unemployed. Young men are worst affected with one in three men under the age of 25 being out of work. Dole payments for young people have been slashed and it is estimated that 60,000 people emigrated in the last year with many more expected to leave this year. The government is doing nothing to create jobs.
• Do you want a job?
• Do you want to stay in Ireland but feel you have no choice but to leave?
• Are you fed up living at home with your parents but can’t afford to move out?
• Do you want to put your skills and education to work?
Are you sick of a government that cares more about bankers than it does about youth unemployment?
It’s time for you to join Sinn Féin’s campaign for “Jobs for the Unemployed”!
We are putting forward the solutions to youth unemployment. These include •
• A youth jobs fund to create 20,000 new jobs.
• An individual plan for the long term prospects of every person under 25 who is on the live register.
• 2,000 places on a ‘One More Language Scheme’ to give the young unemployed a chance to learn an extra foreign language .
• 5000 free ECDL advanced places
• 10,000 new CE places
• 1,000 places on conversion courses at third level to help graduates convert their skills to potential growth sectors
• The elimination of useless, pointless and inadequate FAS courses.
• 8 measures to treble the number of under 25’s who are self employed including a national entrepreneurship programme, access to credit and greater support for high potential start ups.
• Create a publicly owned green tech firm for Ireland and initiate a major drive to attract FDI in renewable energy.
• Make Ireland a digital media leader through support for skills, infrastructure and entrepreneurship
• A ‘National Development Scheme’ to employ people directly on public works projects employing 2,000 workers.
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