Anthony Kelly is the Sinn Féin candidate for county Wexford in the next general election. Its been ninety years since a Sinn Féin candidate was elected from Wexford. We believe that it is vitally important for Wexford to end that drought this time around, and send Kelly to Leinster House.
1. Wexford is the forgotten county of Ireland. We have been stripped bare by this current regime. This is surely proof that the five sitting Wexford TDs have not represented the people of Wexford to the best of their ability. Wexford needs someone to stand up for her in Leinster House. Anthony Kelly can be that man. He is part of a party that is not afraid to rock the boat and take on the establishment when it is clearly in the wrong.
2. Anthony Kelly has been campaigning for a better health service for county Wexford for well over a decade. While the recent threat of downgrading has made this a fashionable cause (and many have jumped on the bandwagon), Anthony has been there from the beginning and has a true desire to see a fairer health service for Wexford. If Kelly is elected he will fight all and any downgrading at WGH and will bring the scurrilous attempts to close Wexfords full time psychiatric unit to a national platform.
3. Anthony Kelly is a representative of the only party in Ireland who have made realistic alternative proposals to the consensus for cuts favoured by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour and the Greens. Sinn Féin oppose all cuts to vulnerable citizens, and question the mentality of any government who believes introducing these cuts can bring Ireland out of recession, when the opposite is clearly the truth.
4. If Anthony Kelly is elected he will stop the stealth downgrading of Rosslare Europort, and the planned transfer of the ports business to Waterford. Minister of State Sean Connick, who resides closer to Waterford than Rosslare has turned a blind eye to such downgrading. Some would go further and accuse him of having vested interests in the transfer of business to Waterford.
5. Anthony Kelly believes that the Rosslare to Waterford rail link must be reinstated, and comments the work of Swifft, the group formed out the "Save the Rosslare to Waterford Rail Line" group for their tireless work on this issue. Having a Sinn Féin TD in the county will insure no further cuts to Wexfords public transport network.
6. Anthony Kelly recognises that our county's farmers and fishermen have been cut a raw deal. Anthony favours the reduction of red tape against those trying to make a living out of farming and fishing in Wexford. He also supports the attempts being made to revive the sugar beet industry down here.
7. Anthony has long battled against anti social behaviour in his community. As well as tackling this issue head on, and seeing that offenders are taken off the streets, Anthony also wants to tackle the underlying social issues that are responsible for the massive rise in this problem.
8. Anthony will highlight the mass emigration of young Wexford people, who have been forced to leave their homes to try and find work abroad. Sinn Féin will not shy away from this issue, and have already stated clearly that unemployment is the cause of this menace and that unemployment can be dealt with only by introducing a progressive job stimulus package.
9. Sinn Féin will not keep their mouths shut while our vulnerable citizens are being cut to allow the state money to cover toxic banks, greedy cash strapped property developers and European bond gamblers. Anthony's voice in Leinster house will call for a 100% burning of the bond holders and stricter restrictions on those people indebted to NAMA.
10. Wexford is a great county. All our problems can be tackled, and we can emerge stronger. The problem is Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour lack the mentality to see past this crisis and to find the right solutions. Sinn Féin oppose these parties not for political gain, but because it is the right thing to do. Anthony Kelly is a member of Ireland's ONLY opposition party. If you want change Wexford, Vote Kelly.
We have given you ten reasons to vote for Kelly, but if you truly want change and want to be represented by someone who will work for you, then there are ten things you can do to help the Kelly Campaign. Just find ten more people; Family, friends, work mates, anyone, and get them to vote Kelly number 1 on election day. This small action could send Anthony to the Dail and herald real and lasting change for this county. Wexford is only the forgotten county because we have no one in Dublin to speak for us. A vote for Kelly can change that. He will speak for you and will not be silenced by anyone.
Come on Wexford; Lets Make the Big Change!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sinn Féin - Irelands only opposition party
This blog is always surprised when people say that they are not going to bother voting in the next election. They give a number of reasons for their decision not to vote, all completely illogical.
"Sure whats the point, they're all the same anyway"
"My vote wont count in the grand scheme of things"
"Why should I do anything for them when they do nothing for me"
Not voting keeps the likes of Fianna Fail in positions of power. Not exercising your democratic right or doing so without giving any thought to who or what you are voting for, gives a mandate to corrupt incompetent politicians to continue running the country into the ground. Voting for a party because the rest of your family votes for them, or because you always voted for them allows the same worn old men and women to choose the welfare of their friends in high places above the welfare of the people who they were elected to represent.
This country needs an alternative now. It needs change. Our people need real representation from people who will listen to them and work for them. We need to put the opposition into power. In case you haven't sussed it yet, there is only one true opposition party left in Ireland - Sinn Féin. While the Fine Gael/Labour coalition have already agreed to continue the cuts which the current government have said they will implement if re-elected, Sinn Féin reject such cuts and agree with leading economists who have stated that no country has ever come out of recession by introducing stern cuts.
Fianna Fail and their mirror image counter parts in Fine Gael are prepared to cut vital hospital services. Sinn Féin are not prepared to sacrifice our health system and the welfare of Irish people to save toxic banks and european bond gamblers.
Our government and government in waiting are prepared to accept any draconian measures which the EU/IMF choose to impose on us. Sinn Féin are not, and will not. Fianna Fail have done nothing to deal with the emigration epidemic gripping our nation. In fact, some of their senior figures, including Mary Coughlan, have openly supported emigration has a means to bring about economic stability. What kind of people propose kicking our children out of the country to try and save their own hides? Are these the kind of people you want running the country?
Neither the Fianna Fail/Green coalition nor the Fine Gael/Labour coalition have come up with any realistic job creation packages. Sinn Féin has. The party's proposals to take €7 billion from the National Pension Reserve Fund and use it to employ Irish workers to construct and maintain new infrastructure which the country desperately needs was hailed by independent economists and citizen groups. The other parties would prefer to pump this money into toxic banks, or use it to pay off corrupt property developers.
An election is coming, and the wind of change is blowing. A new Ireland can be born from this election. The shape of that new nation will depend on how you vote on election day. Do you want the same tired, out of touch politicians, be they sporting a different party logo, running your nation and deciding the fate of you and your family? Or do you want real change? A new nation built on the democratic ideals of 1919 and the selfliss sacrifice of 1916.
Sinn Féin offers that change. We have the people and the policies to put Ireland back to work. Whats more important is that we have the ideals to bring about the Ireland that you deserve. Its time to make the big change Ireland.
"Sure whats the point, they're all the same anyway"
"My vote wont count in the grand scheme of things"
"Why should I do anything for them when they do nothing for me"
Not voting keeps the likes of Fianna Fail in positions of power. Not exercising your democratic right or doing so without giving any thought to who or what you are voting for, gives a mandate to corrupt incompetent politicians to continue running the country into the ground. Voting for a party because the rest of your family votes for them, or because you always voted for them allows the same worn old men and women to choose the welfare of their friends in high places above the welfare of the people who they were elected to represent.
This country needs an alternative now. It needs change. Our people need real representation from people who will listen to them and work for them. We need to put the opposition into power. In case you haven't sussed it yet, there is only one true opposition party left in Ireland - Sinn Féin. While the Fine Gael/Labour coalition have already agreed to continue the cuts which the current government have said they will implement if re-elected, Sinn Féin reject such cuts and agree with leading economists who have stated that no country has ever come out of recession by introducing stern cuts.
Fianna Fail and their mirror image counter parts in Fine Gael are prepared to cut vital hospital services. Sinn Féin are not prepared to sacrifice our health system and the welfare of Irish people to save toxic banks and european bond gamblers.
Our government and government in waiting are prepared to accept any draconian measures which the EU/IMF choose to impose on us. Sinn Féin are not, and will not. Fianna Fail have done nothing to deal with the emigration epidemic gripping our nation. In fact, some of their senior figures, including Mary Coughlan, have openly supported emigration has a means to bring about economic stability. What kind of people propose kicking our children out of the country to try and save their own hides? Are these the kind of people you want running the country?
Neither the Fianna Fail/Green coalition nor the Fine Gael/Labour coalition have come up with any realistic job creation packages. Sinn Féin has. The party's proposals to take €7 billion from the National Pension Reserve Fund and use it to employ Irish workers to construct and maintain new infrastructure which the country desperately needs was hailed by independent economists and citizen groups. The other parties would prefer to pump this money into toxic banks, or use it to pay off corrupt property developers.
An election is coming, and the wind of change is blowing. A new Ireland can be born from this election. The shape of that new nation will depend on how you vote on election day. Do you want the same tired, out of touch politicians, be they sporting a different party logo, running your nation and deciding the fate of you and your family? Or do you want real change? A new nation built on the democratic ideals of 1919 and the selfliss sacrifice of 1916.
Sinn Féin offers that change. We have the people and the policies to put Ireland back to work. Whats more important is that we have the ideals to bring about the Ireland that you deserve. Its time to make the big change Ireland.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
True Public Representative
Look at this picture and tell me what you see.
I see a member of Wexford Borough Council, whom also holds down another job to make ends meet, giving up his spare time to clear off snow in Wexford town yesterday, so that his elderly neighbours could feel safe to walk outside.
I see a man who has been given the honour of running as Sinn Féin candidate in the next general election, remain grounded and rather than let this honour go to his head (as it has to others like him in the past), would prefer to still operate on the most basic level of public representation - making sure the people around him were safe and secure.
Personally, this blog salutes Cllr Anthony Kelly for that.
After all, is that not what we want from our elected representatives, whether it be at local or national level?
Arnt we tired of sending people to Leinster House and not hearing from them again until the next election campaign?
Oh you'll hear them profiling themselves on south east radio, or see their well groomed exteriors in the local rags, but when was the last time they called down to your estate to see if you and your neighbours were happy?
When was the last time they asked you how you felt about life in Wexford, and what improvements could be made, outside of an election campaign?
Wexford has had its share of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour representation in the Dail.
Whats it left us with?
We are the forgotten county.
This blog wants change and will do everything it can to help Anthony Kelly make it to Leinster House, because that is the only hope of any progressive change in this county.
If you want to see dynamic change in Wexford, do the same.
Come on Wexford - Lets Make the Big Change!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Number 1
Well its that time of year again folks. The time when we get to see who's hard work has paid off. Yes, you guessed it, its time to find out who got the Christmas Number 1.
At Number 5 in our special RRN Christmas Chart, its Lil Mary Harney with her cover of "I saw mummy kissing Santa Claus".
"I saw mummy on a hospital trolley last night,
in the accident and emergency ward,
She didnt see me hear her,
Cry out for help to treat her,
But no one was there cause Harney had shut it all down"
Next up at Number 4, its the ULA Choir with their cover version of David Essexs Winter tale.
"It was only a fairytale,
Just an SWP fairytale,
Our propaganda will work,
and everyone else will fail."
At Number 3, its Eamon and the Workers Par...sorry..Labour Party with "We wish you a non secular festive holiday season"
"We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
and a political correct new year."
At Number 2, Its Enda Kennys Project Blue with their cover of Stop the cavalry,
"Hey Mr Cowen, can you hurry up,
Have you you seen the new opinion polls,
The Shinners are gaining,
And we are complaining,
Can you call the election now!!!"
But at Number 1, for the thirteenth year on the trot, its The Fianna Fail Marching Band with their famous cover of John Lennons War is Over.
"So this is Christmas
And what did we do,
Cut the weak and the vulnerable,
The sick and disabled too,
We gave all your money,
to bankers to keep,
You'll all have to hunger,
This nation will weep.
So Happy Fianna Fail Christmas,
To our friends the elite,
Don't mind that auld Sinn Féin,
We'll never face defeat."
Well that's it music lovers. Remember you couldn't vote our Christmas Number 1, but you can vote for our next government. Not using your vote only benefits the Fianna Fail/Fine Gaels of this world.
Use your vote.
Make the Big Change.
Vote Sinn Féin to give this country a chance.
At Number 5 in our special RRN Christmas Chart, its Lil Mary Harney with her cover of "I saw mummy kissing Santa Claus".
"I saw mummy on a hospital trolley last night,
in the accident and emergency ward,
She didnt see me hear her,
Cry out for help to treat her,
But no one was there cause Harney had shut it all down"
Next up at Number 4, its the ULA Choir with their cover version of David Essexs Winter tale.
"It was only a fairytale,
Just an SWP fairytale,
Our propaganda will work,
and everyone else will fail."
At Number 3, its Eamon and the Workers Par...sorry..Labour Party with "We wish you a non secular festive holiday season"
"We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
We wish you a non secular festive holiday season,
and a political correct new year."
At Number 2, Its Enda Kennys Project Blue with their cover of Stop the cavalry,
"Hey Mr Cowen, can you hurry up,
Have you you seen the new opinion polls,
The Shinners are gaining,
And we are complaining,
Can you call the election now!!!"
But at Number 1, for the thirteenth year on the trot, its The Fianna Fail Marching Band with their famous cover of John Lennons War is Over.
"So this is Christmas
And what did we do,
Cut the weak and the vulnerable,
The sick and disabled too,
We gave all your money,
to bankers to keep,
You'll all have to hunger,
This nation will weep.
So Happy Fianna Fail Christmas,
To our friends the elite,
Don't mind that auld Sinn Féin,
We'll never face defeat."
Well that's it music lovers. Remember you couldn't vote our Christmas Number 1, but you can vote for our next government. Not using your vote only benefits the Fianna Fail/Fine Gaels of this world.
Use your vote.
Make the Big Change.
Vote Sinn Féin to give this country a chance.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Who are we?
This blog was honoured to attend the Wexford Sinn Féin dinner dance last Saturday night. The night was an immense success with the highlight being an address from Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams. Gerry paraphrased a famous speech given by Wexford hurling manager Liam Griffin in 1996, back when Wexford were on the trail of the McCarthy cup, or as Gerry put it, "Back when ya's were good!"
Liam Griffin famously took his team off the team bus and asked each player, "Who are you?"
Griffin knew that standing for a team wasn't good enough, you had to be the team. To win, each player had to understand their stake in the team and accept that the team came before their own personal welfare.
Last Saturday night, Gerry posed the same question to the room full of Wexford republicans.
"Who are you?"
"Who are we?"
So who are we?
Are we people who put the needs of toxic banks before the welfare of the Irish people? No.
Are we people who openly support cuts to people on benefits even when we're in opposition? No.
Are we the people who put forward half baked economic proposals that claim to protect our nations vulnerable, but at the same time make alliances with a party that openly favours introduction of those cuts? No.
Are we members of a quasi intellectual left movement, who talk of out of date doctrine which they have given near religious significance, while never approaching a working class estate outside of election time? Are we the peoples movement who speaks for a class which they believe themselves and their cohorts to be superior to? Are we the grand champagne socialists of Ireland? No, No, No.
We are none of these things.
We are Sinn Féin.
We are the people who still in the true republic laid out in the 1916 proclamation and the 1919 democratic programme. We are the people who believe it is more important to act on the revolutionary teachings of James Connolly and Liam Mellowes than it is to quote them in elitist magazines. We are the people who go into working class estates and rural communities to try and help the people who live there, the people who work, who love, who suffer the daily indignities of post tiger Ireland. We know where those places are because we live there. We are those people who suffer.
We are the people who believe change is possible and that against all odds, a new type of government can be brought about. A new system. Government by the people for the people. We are the people who stand alone in opposition against the gombeen establishment, which seeks to destroy and vilify us because we dare to tell the truth. We are the people who will change this country and bring about a new nation of unity, equality and peace. We are Sinn Féin, a party that is united, that knows what it stands for and that will never, ever go away.
Liam Griffin famously took his team off the team bus and asked each player, "Who are you?"
Griffin knew that standing for a team wasn't good enough, you had to be the team. To win, each player had to understand their stake in the team and accept that the team came before their own personal welfare.
Last Saturday night, Gerry posed the same question to the room full of Wexford republicans.
"Who are you?"
"Who are we?"
So who are we?
Are we people who put the needs of toxic banks before the welfare of the Irish people? No.
Are we people who openly support cuts to people on benefits even when we're in opposition? No.
Are we the people who put forward half baked economic proposals that claim to protect our nations vulnerable, but at the same time make alliances with a party that openly favours introduction of those cuts? No.
Are we members of a quasi intellectual left movement, who talk of out of date doctrine which they have given near religious significance, while never approaching a working class estate outside of election time? Are we the peoples movement who speaks for a class which they believe themselves and their cohorts to be superior to? Are we the grand champagne socialists of Ireland? No, No, No.
We are none of these things.
We are Sinn Féin.
We are the people who still in the true republic laid out in the 1916 proclamation and the 1919 democratic programme. We are the people who believe it is more important to act on the revolutionary teachings of James Connolly and Liam Mellowes than it is to quote them in elitist magazines. We are the people who go into working class estates and rural communities to try and help the people who live there, the people who work, who love, who suffer the daily indignities of post tiger Ireland. We know where those places are because we live there. We are those people who suffer.
We are the people who believe change is possible and that against all odds, a new type of government can be brought about. A new system. Government by the people for the people. We are the people who stand alone in opposition against the gombeen establishment, which seeks to destroy and vilify us because we dare to tell the truth. We are the people who will change this country and bring about a new nation of unity, equality and peace. We are Sinn Féin, a party that is united, that knows what it stands for and that will never, ever go away.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sinn Féin force democratic vote on IMF bailout
Sinn Féin Dáil Leader Caoimhghin Ó Caoláin has said that the announcement that the Government has now agreed to put the IMF/EU deal to a Dáil vote, is a direct result of Sinn Féin’s threat of legal action on the issue.
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said:
“Yesterday solicitors acting on my behalf wrote directly to the Chief State Solicitor, including by fax and email, demanding that the Memorandum of Understanding relating to the EU/IMF sell-out deal be laid before the Dáil so that it can be made subject to resolution in accordance with Article 29(5) of the Constitution.
“This legal letter called on the Government to announce on or before close of Dáil business on Tuesday the 14th December 2010 that on its completion this agreement will be submitted for a vote by the Dáil and that in the absence of such an announcement, that I would take such further action to compel the laying of the resolution before the Dáil.
“Today my solicitors again communicated with the Chief State Solicitor’s Office and also corresponded with the Attorney General Mr Paul Gallagher on this issue.
“It is clear that today’s announcement that Government will now put the EU/IMF bailout deal to a Dáil vote, is a direct result of Sinn Féin’s threat of legal action.
“Once again, as was the case with the Donegal South West by-election, it has taken legal initiatives by Sinn Féin to force this totally discredited Government to live up to its democratic responsibilities.
“Sinn Féin will be voting against this sell-out deal with the IMF, a deal that will burden our children and grand-children with mountains of debt incurred by speculators who gambled and lost. We call on all members of the Dáil to vote against this deal. We also call on all parties to make a commitment that if they are in Government they will scrap this sell-out.”
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said:
“Yesterday solicitors acting on my behalf wrote directly to the Chief State Solicitor, including by fax and email, demanding that the Memorandum of Understanding relating to the EU/IMF sell-out deal be laid before the Dáil so that it can be made subject to resolution in accordance with Article 29(5) of the Constitution.
“This legal letter called on the Government to announce on or before close of Dáil business on Tuesday the 14th December 2010 that on its completion this agreement will be submitted for a vote by the Dáil and that in the absence of such an announcement, that I would take such further action to compel the laying of the resolution before the Dáil.
“Today my solicitors again communicated with the Chief State Solicitor’s Office and also corresponded with the Attorney General Mr Paul Gallagher on this issue.
“It is clear that today’s announcement that Government will now put the EU/IMF bailout deal to a Dáil vote, is a direct result of Sinn Féin’s threat of legal action.
“Once again, as was the case with the Donegal South West by-election, it has taken legal initiatives by Sinn Féin to force this totally discredited Government to live up to its democratic responsibilities.
“Sinn Féin will be voting against this sell-out deal with the IMF, a deal that will burden our children and grand-children with mountains of debt incurred by speculators who gambled and lost. We call on all members of the Dáil to vote against this deal. We also call on all parties to make a commitment that if they are in Government they will scrap this sell-out.”
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Funny story for the day thats in it.
A guy dies and goes to heaven. It's a slow day for St. Peter, so, upon passing the entrance test, St. Peter says, "I'm not very busy today, why don't you let me show you around?"
The guy thinks this is a great idea and graciously accepts the offer. St.Peter shows him all the sights, the golf course, the reading room and library, the observation room, the cafeteria and finally, they come to a HUGE room full of clocks.
The guy asks, "What's up with these clocks?"
St. Peter explains, "Everyone on earth has a clock that shows how much time he has left on earth. When a clock runs out of time, the person dies and comes to the Gates to be judged." The guy thinks this makes sense but notices that some of the clocks are going faster than others. He asks why is that?
St. Peter explains, "Every time a living person tells a lie, it speeds his clock."
This also makes sense, so the guy takes one last look around the room before leaving and notices one clock in the center of the ceiling. On this clock, both hands are spinning at an unbelievable rate. So he asks, "What's the story with that clock?"
"Oh, that," St. Peter replies, "That's Brian Cowens clock. We decided to use it as a fan."
The guy thinks this is a great idea and graciously accepts the offer. St.Peter shows him all the sights, the golf course, the reading room and library, the observation room, the cafeteria and finally, they come to a HUGE room full of clocks.
The guy asks, "What's up with these clocks?"
St. Peter explains, "Everyone on earth has a clock that shows how much time he has left on earth. When a clock runs out of time, the person dies and comes to the Gates to be judged." The guy thinks this makes sense but notices that some of the clocks are going faster than others. He asks why is that?
St. Peter explains, "Every time a living person tells a lie, it speeds his clock."
This also makes sense, so the guy takes one last look around the room before leaving and notices one clock in the center of the ceiling. On this clock, both hands are spinning at an unbelievable rate. So he asks, "What's the story with that clock?"
"Oh, that," St. Peter replies, "That's Brian Cowens clock. We decided to use it as a fan."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fianna Fail in Wonderland
It seems that reality has been cancelled in Fianna Fail ruled Ireland, and that our beloved "government" has travelled down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland, where the rules of real life have been turned upside down and sheer confusion reigns.
Ask anyone who hasn't emigrated from Papa Cowens Republic of Misery yet, and they'll tell you that this "government" will be out in the next three months. Yet they are delivering a Four year economic plan to the nation!
Our ruling regime has now allowed the EU/IMF into our country, so that we may accept a future destroying loan from then. A loan that this nation will never be able to pay back. Are we getting this loan to help the people of the state? NO. We are getting it to save our corrupt ridden banks, who coincidentally owe top EU banks alot of money. The majority of this country's bailout will be used not to bailout Ireland or the Irish people, but to bail out toxic banks.
Sinn Féin have called upon the Irish government to burn the bondholders, who are nothing put very rich gamblers refusing to accept their losses. Papa Cowens regime refused to do this, choosing instead to bankrupt every man, woman and child in this country, as well as countless unborn children.
Sinn Féin asked that 7 billion be taken from the National Pension Reserve Fund to put introduce an employment stimulus package, which could get Ireland back to work, and empower the half a million unemployed. Our "government" refused to do this, saying that the NPRF was not to be touched. Now it has emerged that this money will be used, but not to help the Irish people. Instead it will be pumped into our toxic banks.
While the ordinary people of this nation fear the coming cuts to welfare, public services and the minimum wage, our beloved "government" talk about the importance of not altering our 12.5% corporation tax. The truth is that most multinationals in this state dont pay 12.5%, as they manage to make use of tax loopholes. Yet Papa Cowen cant talk about anything else.
Papa Cowen is sitting beside the white rabbit and the mad hatter lenihan, drinking tea from a boot and musing on how to kick start our dead economy. "Why not increase VAT?" "Of course", replies the mad hatter lenihan, as he reflects on how that decision will drive shoppers north again, and kill of southern business. "It'll work!" he roars.
"We'll cut the dole and reduce the minimum wage", Papa Cowen shouts. The mad hatter Lenihan nods in agreement as he thinks of how these cuts will rid a majority of the population of disposable income, and spread misery and destruction across the land.
"We'll introduce property and water taxes", Cowen grins. "Indeed", screams the mad hatter Lenihan as he thinks of how already struggling families will now face these new stealth taxes.
"We'll increase student charges", Cowen whispers into his teaboot. "Fantastic idea", the mad hatter Lenihan says, as he jigs around the table, thinking of the decision that will face many families.
Should we pay the mortgage or send the kids to school
The projected growth of 2.75% on the back of depressing the economy is delusional. This "government" is delusional. While they drink tea in Wonderland, assured in their insanity of their own judgement, you and your family will be citizens of the Republic of Misery, a state controlled by foreign bankers and held up as the Afghanistan of International economics. You can still stop this. You can still change things. Not by swapping Fianna Fail for Fine Gael and Labour. That will only be more of the same. Real change requires brave politics, and courageous decisions. Vote for Sinn Féin to deliver those decisions.
Ask anyone who hasn't emigrated from Papa Cowens Republic of Misery yet, and they'll tell you that this "government" will be out in the next three months. Yet they are delivering a Four year economic plan to the nation!
Our ruling regime has now allowed the EU/IMF into our country, so that we may accept a future destroying loan from then. A loan that this nation will never be able to pay back. Are we getting this loan to help the people of the state? NO. We are getting it to save our corrupt ridden banks, who coincidentally owe top EU banks alot of money. The majority of this country's bailout will be used not to bailout Ireland or the Irish people, but to bail out toxic banks.
Sinn Féin have called upon the Irish government to burn the bondholders, who are nothing put very rich gamblers refusing to accept their losses. Papa Cowens regime refused to do this, choosing instead to bankrupt every man, woman and child in this country, as well as countless unborn children.
Sinn Féin asked that 7 billion be taken from the National Pension Reserve Fund to put introduce an employment stimulus package, which could get Ireland back to work, and empower the half a million unemployed. Our "government" refused to do this, saying that the NPRF was not to be touched. Now it has emerged that this money will be used, but not to help the Irish people. Instead it will be pumped into our toxic banks.
While the ordinary people of this nation fear the coming cuts to welfare, public services and the minimum wage, our beloved "government" talk about the importance of not altering our 12.5% corporation tax. The truth is that most multinationals in this state dont pay 12.5%, as they manage to make use of tax loopholes. Yet Papa Cowen cant talk about anything else.
Papa Cowen is sitting beside the white rabbit and the mad hatter lenihan, drinking tea from a boot and musing on how to kick start our dead economy. "Why not increase VAT?" "Of course", replies the mad hatter lenihan, as he reflects on how that decision will drive shoppers north again, and kill of southern business. "It'll work!" he roars.
"We'll cut the dole and reduce the minimum wage", Papa Cowen shouts. The mad hatter Lenihan nods in agreement as he thinks of how these cuts will rid a majority of the population of disposable income, and spread misery and destruction across the land.
"We'll introduce property and water taxes", Cowen grins. "Indeed", screams the mad hatter Lenihan as he thinks of how already struggling families will now face these new stealth taxes.
"We'll increase student charges", Cowen whispers into his teaboot. "Fantastic idea", the mad hatter Lenihan says, as he jigs around the table, thinking of the decision that will face many families.
Should we pay the mortgage or send the kids to school
The projected growth of 2.75% on the back of depressing the economy is delusional. This "government" is delusional. While they drink tea in Wonderland, assured in their insanity of their own judgement, you and your family will be citizens of the Republic of Misery, a state controlled by foreign bankers and held up as the Afghanistan of International economics. You can still stop this. You can still change things. Not by swapping Fianna Fail for Fine Gael and Labour. That will only be more of the same. Real change requires brave politics, and courageous decisions. Vote for Sinn Féin to deliver those decisions.
Liam Mellowes - The forgotten Patriot
Liam Mellowes was an Irish Republican Socialist and Sinn Féin politician. He was a leader of the 1916 Rising, organising the uprising in Galway. He fought bravely in the Tan war, and was elected to the first Dail. He played a pivotal role in the creation of the 1919 Democratic Programme. In fact, It was Mellowes who provided the cutting edge civil rights proposals introduced in the 1919 programme. He refused to accept the terms of the treaty with Britain, and fought against the Freestate in the civil war. Mellowes was executed by the Freestate in 1922.
Liam Mellowes was an Irish patriot, who should be remembered in the same light as Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse and James Connolly.
But that is not the case.
Liam Mellowes is the forgotten figure of Irish history. He has been airbrushed from our history books by state censors, who fear his republican socialist legacy and prefer to have his noble egalitarian ideas confined to a forgotten age.
It is obvious why Fine Gael would favour this. They are the descendants of the ones who murdered Mellowes. But why have Fianna Fail and Labour forsaken this patriot?
Maybe because they do not appreciate the values for which Liam Mellowes lived and died. Perhaps they prefer that the idea of a public representative actually caring for the people of his nation be forgotten.
Only one party proudly remembers the importance of Liam Mellowes, and adhere to his teachings. That party is Sinn Féin.
Every December, members and supporters of Wexford and Wicklow Sinn Féin gather in the small north wexford village of Castletown, where Mellowes is buried. They gather to remember and honour and great Irish patriot. They gather to reaffirm their commitment to follow in Mellowes path and to finally bring about the Ireland of equals so long desired by the people of this island.
Liam Mellowes was an Irish patriot, who should be remembered in the same light as Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse and James Connolly.
But that is not the case.
Liam Mellowes is the forgotten figure of Irish history. He has been airbrushed from our history books by state censors, who fear his republican socialist legacy and prefer to have his noble egalitarian ideas confined to a forgotten age.
It is obvious why Fine Gael would favour this. They are the descendants of the ones who murdered Mellowes. But why have Fianna Fail and Labour forsaken this patriot?
Maybe because they do not appreciate the values for which Liam Mellowes lived and died. Perhaps they prefer that the idea of a public representative actually caring for the people of his nation be forgotten.
Only one party proudly remembers the importance of Liam Mellowes, and adhere to his teachings. That party is Sinn Féin.
Every December, members and supporters of Wexford and Wicklow Sinn Féin gather in the small north wexford village of Castletown, where Mellowes is buried. They gather to remember and honour and great Irish patriot. They gather to reaffirm their commitment to follow in Mellowes path and to finally bring about the Ireland of equals so long desired by the people of this island.
Republican TV, episode 2
Epiode 2 of Repubican TV. An insiders view to life in Papa Cowens Republic of Misery.
For your viewing pleasure, see hard working members of the Gardai charge innocent student protestors. See Enda Kenny strut his stuff to Boney M. See Pat Kenny called a "piece of shit" on national telly.
All this and more on the alternative to RTE censorship.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Republican TV, episode 1
Republican TV offers uncensored Irish Republican news. In this episode, Gerry Adams briefly explains the fundamental difference between Sinn Féin’s plan to get Ireland out of this economic crisis, and the consensus for cuts currently be adhered to by the Fianna Fail/Green coalition government and the weak opposition of Fine Gael and Labour.
We also witness an interview with Brian Cowen from last year where he claimed that the Irish taxpayer would never be held responsible for NAMA or any bank bailout. Mmm, how times have changed? Or was he always a liar?
Enjoy Republican TV sensibly. Enda Kenny believes watching too much of it will give you the wrong ideas. God forbid people might actually question the FF/FG line on things. Its got to be one or the other, Ying or Yang. Or does it have to be? Maybe Enda is senile, and maybe your small toe has more brain power than the department of Finance.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
People Before Politics
This blog has found the reaction from certain sections of the Irish Left to Gerry Adams brave decision to contest the next Leinster House election quite startling. Some of these commentators have criticised Adams for "leaving" the people of West Belfast, one of the most deprived communities in Ireland. Some of these critics have even claimed that they should fill the vacuum left by the "retreating" Adams.
Where were these heroic campaigners in 1969 when the people of Bombay street were being burned out of their homes by Loyalist mobs and RUC collaborators?
Where were they when civilians were being used as target practice by the paratroopers in Derry?
Where were they when the people of West Belfast were interned without trial, dragged from their homes in the middle of the night having committed no crime other then being born?
First of all, Adams is a member of the West Belfast community. He lives there, has raised his family there, goes to church there. He is a pillar of the community that these would be opportunists claim that he is abandoning.
Second, the people of West Belfast owe many of the rights they won in recent years, including civil rights, peace and the process of rejuvenation currently under way, to men and women like Gerry Adams. Adams stood by his people during a time of unprecedented trouble. He never abandoned them, even when his life and the lives of his family were in constant danger. Adams has now left the safest SF seat in Ireland to take on the whole Irish establishment, including these wanna be Trotsky's, in order to help the people of the 26 counties, who have been crying out for a real leader. Adams has put the people of Ireland before his own benefits once again.
As always, Sinn Féin has chosen people before politics.
For any group of people to claim that Adams abandoned his community shows their utter ignorance of life in West Belfast, and their villainous readiness to say anything that they vainly believe will cost Sinn Féin political points, and might benefit their own chances of winning some power.
Sinn Féin has no nefarious reasons for contesting elections here, and neither does Gerry Adams. We stand for the people. Remember we have had a bunch of dogmatic socialists proclaiming they were better than Sinn Féin and promising to work for the people above all before. Today they run the Irish Labour party, a group that Adams critics call right wing.
There is one left wing party where true republican socialists still work for the betterment of the common man left in Ireland today.
Its called Sinn Féin.
Where were these heroic campaigners in 1969 when the people of Bombay street were being burned out of their homes by Loyalist mobs and RUC collaborators?
Where were they when civilians were being used as target practice by the paratroopers in Derry?
Where were they when the people of West Belfast were interned without trial, dragged from their homes in the middle of the night having committed no crime other then being born?
First of all, Adams is a member of the West Belfast community. He lives there, has raised his family there, goes to church there. He is a pillar of the community that these would be opportunists claim that he is abandoning.
Second, the people of West Belfast owe many of the rights they won in recent years, including civil rights, peace and the process of rejuvenation currently under way, to men and women like Gerry Adams. Adams stood by his people during a time of unprecedented trouble. He never abandoned them, even when his life and the lives of his family were in constant danger. Adams has now left the safest SF seat in Ireland to take on the whole Irish establishment, including these wanna be Trotsky's, in order to help the people of the 26 counties, who have been crying out for a real leader. Adams has put the people of Ireland before his own benefits once again.
As always, Sinn Féin has chosen people before politics.
For any group of people to claim that Adams abandoned his community shows their utter ignorance of life in West Belfast, and their villainous readiness to say anything that they vainly believe will cost Sinn Féin political points, and might benefit their own chances of winning some power.
Sinn Féin has no nefarious reasons for contesting elections here, and neither does Gerry Adams. We stand for the people. Remember we have had a bunch of dogmatic socialists proclaiming they were better than Sinn Féin and promising to work for the people above all before. Today they run the Irish Labour party, a group that Adams critics call right wing.
There is one left wing party where true republican socialists still work for the betterment of the common man left in Ireland today.
Its called Sinn Féin.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Who is Ireland's enemy?
In 1914, Brian Higgins wrote an anti recruiting poem to combat British forces attempts to recruit young Irish men to fight in the first world war. This blog has taken the liberty to change the words around a bit so that we may express our discontent for who we believe is Ireland's enemy today.
Who is Ireland's enemy?
Not Barrosa or the IMF,
Not greedy hordes of bondholders;
Not the multi rich who pretend to be deaf,
and blind, and dumb, and stupid,
when they see our people lose all,
Not the impotent incompetent yesmen
who meekly support the cuts in the Dail.
Who let the banks run riot?
Who let the corrupt thrive,
when the people of Ireland worked,
for a good life they did strive.
Who told the people you voted wrong?
You'll have to vote again,
This time tick the Yes box,
And there will be unlimited jobs then.
Who laid claim to our boom?
Though they hadn't a bloody clue,
of what had caused our little miracle,
Greed and hunger for more was all they knew.
Who squandered our wealth,
with electronic voting and the Bertie Bowl?
Who now sits in denial,
making plans to cut the dole?
Who said not to worry,
When things began to crash?
Who told the people to relax,
while they protected their own cash?
Who told foreign gamblers,
we'll cover all subordinates,
While telling the youth of our nation,
They'd be better off in the states?
Who told our soulless media,
To sell the cuts as the only show,
And ignore all progressive proposals?
Who filled our land with woe,
By night and day - a thousand times,
Over thirteen blasted years,
Til every blade of Irish grass,
was wet with painful tears?
Not the EU, Not the Tories,
Not Fine Gael, Labour or Green,
That robbed and plundered this land of ours,
That left us the international has been.
No, not them but the mother parasite,
Its name we all must shout,
It was FIANNA FAIL that scourged our motherland,
It was FIANNA FAIL that turned all our lights out.
Who is Ireland's enemy?
Not Barrosa or the IMF,
Not greedy hordes of bondholders;
Not the multi rich who pretend to be deaf,
and blind, and dumb, and stupid,
when they see our people lose all,
Not the impotent incompetent yesmen
who meekly support the cuts in the Dail.
Who let the banks run riot?
Who let the corrupt thrive,
when the people of Ireland worked,
for a good life they did strive.
Who told the people you voted wrong?
You'll have to vote again,
This time tick the Yes box,
And there will be unlimited jobs then.
Who laid claim to our boom?
Though they hadn't a bloody clue,
of what had caused our little miracle,
Greed and hunger for more was all they knew.
Who squandered our wealth,
with electronic voting and the Bertie Bowl?
Who now sits in denial,
making plans to cut the dole?
Who said not to worry,
When things began to crash?
Who told the people to relax,
while they protected their own cash?
Who told foreign gamblers,
we'll cover all subordinates,
While telling the youth of our nation,
They'd be better off in the states?
Who told our soulless media,
To sell the cuts as the only show,
And ignore all progressive proposals?
Who filled our land with woe,
By night and day - a thousand times,
Over thirteen blasted years,
Til every blade of Irish grass,
was wet with painful tears?
Not the EU, Not the Tories,
Not Fine Gael, Labour or Green,
That robbed and plundered this land of ours,
That left us the international has been.
No, not them but the mother parasite,
Its name we all must shout,
It was FIANNA FAIL that scourged our motherland,
It was FIANNA FAIL that turned all our lights out.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I'm a Minister.... Get me out of here!
Special thanks to crossboy for this email he sent us. It would be funnier if the joke wasnt on us, the viewers/voters.
As reality tv show "I'm a celebrity... get me out of here" starts again, this blog cant help but ponder what an Irish themed version of the show would be like. The Irish version would not have to bother drafting in Z-list celebrities, aging sports stars and models to provide entertainment when we have a circus troop of state paid entertainers already plying their trade in Leinster House, and who would be only too happy to get any chance to publicise themselves. Yes folks, meet the stars of "I'm a minister...get me out of here", Ireland's grossfest reality tv show that you really hate to watch and just know will end up being won by the loudest eejit taking part.
First up is John Gormley, a man who would irritate the fleas off a dogs back. John has to jump out of a plane above camp, but for your entertainment, the other contestants boot him out without his parachute. Only Gormley could float down on his own over inflated sense of esteem. He lands safely in camp, determined to pass a bill banning grub hunting.
Next up is Enda Kenny, an early favourite, until people get to know him and realise hes a complete prat. Enda is voted out but refuses to accept the result, challenging the validity of this early poll. For your entertainment. After being escorted off the set by security, he tells anyone who'll listen that it was another Richard Bruton plot against him. "I'm a minister" presenters Sean Fitzpatrick and Michael McDowell smile at the camera and introduce contestant number 3, Mary Harney.
Mary becomes a national hate figure when in a fit of madness caused by two hours of hunger, she succumbs to cannibalism and eats John Gormley. For the rest of the show she enjoys a will they/wont they romantic tension with Offaly Pig collector and Taoiseach, Brian Cowen. For your entertainment. In the end he chooses Jackie Healy Rae, whom he seduces with a new hospital and brown paper envelope factory for Kenmare.
The show is won by an eccentric egocentric young man named Eamon Gilmore, who wins the nations heart with his boyish good looks and deep media connections. After he completes his final task, swallowing Fianna Fails BS about the necessity of cuts in Budget 2011 and keeping his blindfold on while Ireland's most vulnerable drown, hes the shoe in for the winners prize. He receives his winners crown from Jose Manuel Barroso. For your entertainment.
As reality tv show "I'm a celebrity... get me out of here" starts again, this blog cant help but ponder what an Irish themed version of the show would be like. The Irish version would not have to bother drafting in Z-list celebrities, aging sports stars and models to provide entertainment when we have a circus troop of state paid entertainers already plying their trade in Leinster House, and who would be only too happy to get any chance to publicise themselves. Yes folks, meet the stars of "I'm a minister...get me out of here", Ireland's grossfest reality tv show that you really hate to watch and just know will end up being won by the loudest eejit taking part.
First up is John Gormley, a man who would irritate the fleas off a dogs back. John has to jump out of a plane above camp, but for your entertainment, the other contestants boot him out without his parachute. Only Gormley could float down on his own over inflated sense of esteem. He lands safely in camp, determined to pass a bill banning grub hunting.
Next up is Enda Kenny, an early favourite, until people get to know him and realise hes a complete prat. Enda is voted out but refuses to accept the result, challenging the validity of this early poll. For your entertainment. After being escorted off the set by security, he tells anyone who'll listen that it was another Richard Bruton plot against him. "I'm a minister" presenters Sean Fitzpatrick and Michael McDowell smile at the camera and introduce contestant number 3, Mary Harney.
Mary becomes a national hate figure when in a fit of madness caused by two hours of hunger, she succumbs to cannibalism and eats John Gormley. For the rest of the show she enjoys a will they/wont they romantic tension with Offaly Pig collector and Taoiseach, Brian Cowen. For your entertainment. In the end he chooses Jackie Healy Rae, whom he seduces with a new hospital and brown paper envelope factory for Kenmare.
The show is won by an eccentric egocentric young man named Eamon Gilmore, who wins the nations heart with his boyish good looks and deep media connections. After he completes his final task, swallowing Fianna Fails BS about the necessity of cuts in Budget 2011 and keeping his blindfold on while Ireland's most vulnerable drown, hes the shoe in for the winners prize. He receives his winners crown from Jose Manuel Barroso. For your entertainment.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A waste of taxpayers money
One thing that this blog hates is the use of taxpayers money by a politician to further their own political career. This is without exception an unlawful use of money taken by the state from under pressure citizens. If I were a milkman, would I be allowed to steal milk from the Creamery and sell it for my own personal profit? If I were a postman, would I be entitled to take money and packages from other peoples mail? If I were a banker, well maybe a banker is a bad example, but you get the point. A politician has no right to steal from the taxpayer.
Imagine this blogs horror then, when it found that a Wexford politician had seemed to recently misappropriate taxpayer funded stationary. Senator Liam Twomey, a former Fine Gael TD ( who actually won election as an Independent) is the offending politico. Senator Twomey recently used Seanad stationary and postage, paid for by the Irish taxpayer, to send letters to the homes of Wexford people. The letters were not instructions on how to survive the recession or even an alternative pre budget plan from Fine Gael, but rather a request for Wexford people to vote for Michael Collins in Ireland's Greatest, a recent obscure piece of semi factual history from RTE.
Twomeys request failed and Collins lost, not that it matters to anyone with half a brain who values a better future for the people of Ireland above quasi documentary filth coming out of RTE. What really matters is that Senator Twomey wasted Seanad funds to send out a letter that tried to connect the hasbeen doctor with a genuine Irish patriot. Perhaps if Senator Twomney wanted to stand in the light of patriotism, he should have spent his time fighting for the rights of the forgotten county of Wexford, who have already lost a rail service this year, and are in danger of losing their full time psychiatric unit at St. Senans and several important services at Wexford General hospital. Sadly, Senator Twomey decided running taxpayer funded advertisements for RTE was more of a priority for him.
While we appreciate Liam Twomeys newly found interest in Irish Republicanism, and greatly enjoyed his copyright poem about Collins, this blog finds that it must protest this gross misuse of taxpayers money, and question just why our beloved local media didn't bring this scandal to the attention of the people of Wexford. Laziness? Incompetence? Fear?
We have brought it to your attention, and Sinn Féin will bring it to Senator Twomeys attention in the Seanad, and to the attention of his Fine Gael comrades on local councils and in Leinster House. Hopefully he will have an explanation for these letters. As for those who might say that these are reckless accusations to be making, this blog is currently holding five copies of Senator Twomeys letter, and can get their hands on many more. In fact, this blog might frame one for prosperity.
Imagine this blogs horror then, when it found that a Wexford politician had seemed to recently misappropriate taxpayer funded stationary. Senator Liam Twomey, a former Fine Gael TD ( who actually won election as an Independent) is the offending politico. Senator Twomey recently used Seanad stationary and postage, paid for by the Irish taxpayer, to send letters to the homes of Wexford people. The letters were not instructions on how to survive the recession or even an alternative pre budget plan from Fine Gael, but rather a request for Wexford people to vote for Michael Collins in Ireland's Greatest, a recent obscure piece of semi factual history from RTE.
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Senator Twomey and Michael Collins |
While we appreciate Liam Twomeys newly found interest in Irish Republicanism, and greatly enjoyed his copyright poem about Collins, this blog finds that it must protest this gross misuse of taxpayers money, and question just why our beloved local media didn't bring this scandal to the attention of the people of Wexford. Laziness? Incompetence? Fear?
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Senator Liam Twomey |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Section 31 in 2010
In January 1994, the Irish government announced that it was ending twenty one years of media censorship of Irish Republicanism by lifting the section 31 ban. Sinn Féin, who had been denied a voice in the established media for over two decades, celebrated the lifting of the draconian ban and felt that now they would finally be allowed to represent their supporters and their ideals in a new open and fair media.
Nearly seventeen years have passed since the official removal of section 31, but its totalitarian legacy still resonates through our nations national media. Last week Sinn Féin published progressive pre budget proposals that put the needs of Ireland's people before the needs of toxic banks or jumped up eurocrats, who are attempting to exercise fiscal control over our country without any mandate.
Sinn Féin's proposals were widely welcomed by independent economists and sober political analysts. Sadly, our so called impartial media didn't get it, choosing to throw crude and unfounded hexes on the only partisan economic proposals that have made any sense in this country since the crisis began, and in some cases they chose to completely ignore the party's plan.
Imagine if Enda Kenny had come out and stated that not only would Fine Gael oppose all cuts, but they would also reintroduce the Christmas benefit bonus to boost local economy and protect under siege families from the dangers of loan sharks?
Imagine if Kenny had said that those international hotshots who had invested in high risk subordinated bonds would now have to live with their loss because they weren't getting a penny from the Irish taxpayer?
Imagine if Kenny had unveiled plans to invest €7 billion in the Irish people, getting our unemployed back to work by building up our infrastructure?
It would have been frontpage news on every national and local newspaper, and would still be dominating the airwaves. Is Irish media censorship just the mental construct of a few demented republicans and socialists? Or is section 31 alive and well in 2010?
Nearly seventeen years have passed since the official removal of section 31, but its totalitarian legacy still resonates through our nations national media. Last week Sinn Féin published progressive pre budget proposals that put the needs of Ireland's people before the needs of toxic banks or jumped up eurocrats, who are attempting to exercise fiscal control over our country without any mandate.
Sinn Féin's proposals were widely welcomed by independent economists and sober political analysts. Sadly, our so called impartial media didn't get it, choosing to throw crude and unfounded hexes on the only partisan economic proposals that have made any sense in this country since the crisis began, and in some cases they chose to completely ignore the party's plan.
Imagine if Enda Kenny had come out and stated that not only would Fine Gael oppose all cuts, but they would also reintroduce the Christmas benefit bonus to boost local economy and protect under siege families from the dangers of loan sharks?
Imagine if Kenny had said that those international hotshots who had invested in high risk subordinated bonds would now have to live with their loss because they weren't getting a penny from the Irish taxpayer?
Imagine if Kenny had unveiled plans to invest €7 billion in the Irish people, getting our unemployed back to work by building up our infrastructure?
It would have been frontpage news on every national and local newspaper, and would still be dominating the airwaves. Is Irish media censorship just the mental construct of a few demented republicans and socialists? Or is section 31 alive and well in 2010?
Friday, November 5, 2010
The New Class War
One of the things that this recession has exposed is the growing class divisions that have once again arisen in Ireland. We are living in a society where senior civil servants get paid more than the President of the United States of America, in contrast to other citizens who fear a cut in social welfare or the old age pension in the next budget will see them go without adequate heating for the rest of the Winter. We live in a nation where greedy bankers ,who have brought the economy to its knees causing the return of mass emigration and unemployment, can escape justice, but a family can lose their home for falling behind on payments. We live in a country where protesting against rising education fees is a greater crime than building slums for mass profit then allowing your company to go bankrupt to avoid having to pay your hard working sub contractors.
There are hundreds of thousands of Irish people living in fear of this states next budget, believing it will cut them to the bone. Its not a case of losing their disposal income, but rather the real fear of losing their homes, their cars, their means of providing for their children. Our government says we must all share the pain. What they don't say is that the rich of this country have been allowed to go through the celtic tiger years paying an effective tax rate of 20%. They also fail to mention the scores of Irish senior civil servants who get paid more than Barack Obama. Included among them is our glorious Taoiseach, but there are many others.
The head of the National Treasury Management Agency (The group set up in response to the corruption found in our baking sector) John Corrigan is paid in excess of €500,000 a year. Brendan McDonagh, the Head of NAMA also earns over €500,000. Padraig McManus, The head of the ESB gets €458,309 per annum, while John Mullins of Bord Gais gets €344,000. Declan Collier the CEO of the Dublin Airport Authority gets €478,100. An Post's Donal Connell gets paid €423,000 per year. David Gunning of Coillte gets €343,000. There are many others we could name but I think you get the point. This blog does not not believe these people are "sharing the pain".
The established media, at both national and local gutter press level have been making a serious attempt to vilify the unemployed over the past year. They support the establishment view that alot of our problems are currently caused by the four hundred and thirty thousand people on welfare. We have over 13% unemployment. Two and half years ago we had closer to 4%. Whats not been mentioned by Fianna Fail and their media collaborators these days is that the reason we have high unemployment is because of the staggering levels of corruption allowed by our government to fester during the tiger years, and because of Fianna Fails incompetent handling of our economic crisis. There has been a general concensus among the government and the "main" opposition to criminalise the ordinary people of Ireland. Only Sinn Féin have stood against this vile practice.
This blog regrets that it has heard many horror stories from normal people, who up to two years ago were contributing to our economy, and are now left on the scrapheap. They have told us how they cannot get employment without retraining, and they cannot get retraining as FAS are apparently bankrupt, Now that's a real catch 22. They have told us how members of social welfare, supporting the governments policy, have clandestinely suggested they should look for employment "abroad". Most terribly, some have told us that they had to break up with their partners due to the unfairness and sexist policy of the department of social protection. Currently, Irish couples are treated as equals in the eyes of the Irish taxation system, with both paying their own taxes. However, in the eyes of the department of social protection, the partner not working is treated as the dependent of the other. In the now common scenario, where both partners are unemployed, the woman is treated as the dependent of the man, and her social welfare is cut to €130 a week. It can become even more complicated when kids are involved. What kind of system is this to have in place in a progressive western nation in the year 2010? This blog can say with absolute certainly that the regressive policies of the current Fianna Fail/green coalition have led to couples breaking up, marriages ending and children being left with only one parent. Let that be the epitaph of this cruel government.
Sinn Féin stands alone against the slash and burn policies of the other parties. Sinn Féin have put forward a progressive alternative budget that reduces no citizen below an acceptable threshold of wealth. Sinn Féin propose mass tax reform and the introduction of a €7 billion stimulus to get Ireland back to work. Sinn Féin opposes class division and stands alone for an Ireland of Equals.
There are hundreds of thousands of Irish people living in fear of this states next budget, believing it will cut them to the bone. Its not a case of losing their disposal income, but rather the real fear of losing their homes, their cars, their means of providing for their children. Our government says we must all share the pain. What they don't say is that the rich of this country have been allowed to go through the celtic tiger years paying an effective tax rate of 20%. They also fail to mention the scores of Irish senior civil servants who get paid more than Barack Obama. Included among them is our glorious Taoiseach, but there are many others.
The head of the National Treasury Management Agency (The group set up in response to the corruption found in our baking sector) John Corrigan is paid in excess of €500,000 a year. Brendan McDonagh, the Head of NAMA also earns over €500,000. Padraig McManus, The head of the ESB gets €458,309 per annum, while John Mullins of Bord Gais gets €344,000. Declan Collier the CEO of the Dublin Airport Authority gets €478,100. An Post's Donal Connell gets paid €423,000 per year. David Gunning of Coillte gets €343,000. There are many others we could name but I think you get the point. This blog does not not believe these people are "sharing the pain".
The established media, at both national and local gutter press level have been making a serious attempt to vilify the unemployed over the past year. They support the establishment view that alot of our problems are currently caused by the four hundred and thirty thousand people on welfare. We have over 13% unemployment. Two and half years ago we had closer to 4%. Whats not been mentioned by Fianna Fail and their media collaborators these days is that the reason we have high unemployment is because of the staggering levels of corruption allowed by our government to fester during the tiger years, and because of Fianna Fails incompetent handling of our economic crisis. There has been a general concensus among the government and the "main" opposition to criminalise the ordinary people of Ireland. Only Sinn Féin have stood against this vile practice.
This blog regrets that it has heard many horror stories from normal people, who up to two years ago were contributing to our economy, and are now left on the scrapheap. They have told us how they cannot get employment without retraining, and they cannot get retraining as FAS are apparently bankrupt, Now that's a real catch 22. They have told us how members of social welfare, supporting the governments policy, have clandestinely suggested they should look for employment "abroad". Most terribly, some have told us that they had to break up with their partners due to the unfairness and sexist policy of the department of social protection. Currently, Irish couples are treated as equals in the eyes of the Irish taxation system, with both paying their own taxes. However, in the eyes of the department of social protection, the partner not working is treated as the dependent of the other. In the now common scenario, where both partners are unemployed, the woman is treated as the dependent of the man, and her social welfare is cut to €130 a week. It can become even more complicated when kids are involved. What kind of system is this to have in place in a progressive western nation in the year 2010? This blog can say with absolute certainly that the regressive policies of the current Fianna Fail/green coalition have led to couples breaking up, marriages ending and children being left with only one parent. Let that be the epitaph of this cruel government.
Sinn Féin stands alone against the slash and burn policies of the other parties. Sinn Féin have put forward a progressive alternative budget that reduces no citizen below an acceptable threshold of wealth. Sinn Féin propose mass tax reform and the introduction of a €7 billion stimulus to get Ireland back to work. Sinn Féin opposes class division and stands alone for an Ireland of Equals.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sinn Féin versus the Bank Bail Out
A few short months ago this blog was both shocked and saddened to read an American headline entitled, "The bank that brought down a nation". Prehaps that wasnt the exact wording, but it was a clear meaning. The Americans, and the rest of the world, were watching in amazement as the Irish government chose covering subordinated bond holders tied to their nations failed banks, over the welfare of its own citizens. The rest of the world were watching our government ignore convention in promising to make Irelands citizens pay for the banking crisis, which they clearly were not responsible for and could only pay for at the expense of their whole way of life.
The recapitalisation of our banks is expected to cost in the range of €45 billion to €50 billion. Over €30 billion is already wrote off to loss in Anglo and Irish Nationwide. Sinn Féin believes that there will be a minimal if not zero return on the funds committed to recapitalising the remaining institutions. The cost of NAMA is not included in these figures. In the worst case scenario, NAMA will cost the Irish taxpayer €40 billion, while the very best scenario still sees the Irish taxpayer €1 billion down.
Sinn Féin believes rather than standing up for the bank bondholders, our government needs to stand up for the Irish people and the future of our economy. If additional billions can always be found for the banks, money can be found for our recovery. The Fianna Fail/Green coalition has it backwards; banks follow the economy; they do not lead it: fix the economy and you fix the banks as well as fix the future.
Certain opposition parties who seem unable to come up with their own progressive economic proposals are spending their time attacking Sinn Féin over our original stance on the bank bail out two years ago. It is true that Sinn Féin supported the original motion, as the guarantee appeared to be a measure to stabilise the entire banking sector which was about to collapse and the party agreed to support it only with the provision of proper terms and conditions. Sinn Féin, along with the rest of the nation were misled on the facts, and when we learned that the terms and conditions provided were inadequate, we voted against it and have done so ever since.
Let no one blur the truth, Sinn Féin is one hundred percent against the bank bail out, and find the fact that the government has refused to reveal the identities of the bond holders to the Irish people, who are bankrolling their get out of jail free card, disgusting. Roman Abramovic recently outed himself as a bond holder and had the cheek to threaten to sue the Irish state if it defaulted on any part of his bond. The fact is, Abramovic invested in a high risk bond with the bank. As the caveat under every financial institution reads - Caution: the value of your investment can go down as well as up.
Sinn Féin believes that the Anglo bondholders must take the hit of their bad investment and the good deposits in the bank must be moved to the now nationalised AIB, which must become a state bank. The banking guarantee as it stands should be abolished immediately, leaving just a depositors guarantee in place.
Sinn Féin refuses to take part in the consensus pretending that the bank bail out and its effects are somehow separate from the rest of the economy, and have no impact on government finances. The bank bail out has heightened the effects of our recession, made recovery much more difficult and left us as a state on our knees before the EU and the IMF. Our international reputation is ruined and despite what Brian Cowen thinks, allowing Irelands citizens and infrastructure to decay in order to save bondsmen will not appeal us to multinational investment. You cannot separate the bank bail out and our government finances, the international markets certainly wont. In reality, the bank bail out places our true deficit in excess of 32%, a truly horrifying figure.
Remember this when the Minister for Finance slashes your social welfare, old age pension, disability payments or single mothers benefits on December the seventh. Remember this when your local hospital loses its A&E, when your local rail line is closed or when your kids cant afford to continue college due to rising fees. This budget has nothing to do deficit reduction. Every cent that is cut from frontline services, welfare benefits and general public spending next year will be redirected at least ten times into our governments bank bail out. You can stop them, but time is running out. It beyond time for the Irish people to pull the rug from under these people, once and for all.
The recapitalisation of our banks is expected to cost in the range of €45 billion to €50 billion. Over €30 billion is already wrote off to loss in Anglo and Irish Nationwide. Sinn Féin believes that there will be a minimal if not zero return on the funds committed to recapitalising the remaining institutions. The cost of NAMA is not included in these figures. In the worst case scenario, NAMA will cost the Irish taxpayer €40 billion, while the very best scenario still sees the Irish taxpayer €1 billion down.
Sinn Féin believes rather than standing up for the bank bondholders, our government needs to stand up for the Irish people and the future of our economy. If additional billions can always be found for the banks, money can be found for our recovery. The Fianna Fail/Green coalition has it backwards; banks follow the economy; they do not lead it: fix the economy and you fix the banks as well as fix the future.
Certain opposition parties who seem unable to come up with their own progressive economic proposals are spending their time attacking Sinn Féin over our original stance on the bank bail out two years ago. It is true that Sinn Féin supported the original motion, as the guarantee appeared to be a measure to stabilise the entire banking sector which was about to collapse and the party agreed to support it only with the provision of proper terms and conditions. Sinn Féin, along with the rest of the nation were misled on the facts, and when we learned that the terms and conditions provided were inadequate, we voted against it and have done so ever since.
Let no one blur the truth, Sinn Féin is one hundred percent against the bank bail out, and find the fact that the government has refused to reveal the identities of the bond holders to the Irish people, who are bankrolling their get out of jail free card, disgusting. Roman Abramovic recently outed himself as a bond holder and had the cheek to threaten to sue the Irish state if it defaulted on any part of his bond. The fact is, Abramovic invested in a high risk bond with the bank. As the caveat under every financial institution reads - Caution: the value of your investment can go down as well as up.
Sinn Féin believes that the Anglo bondholders must take the hit of their bad investment and the good deposits in the bank must be moved to the now nationalised AIB, which must become a state bank. The banking guarantee as it stands should be abolished immediately, leaving just a depositors guarantee in place.
Sinn Féin refuses to take part in the consensus pretending that the bank bail out and its effects are somehow separate from the rest of the economy, and have no impact on government finances. The bank bail out has heightened the effects of our recession, made recovery much more difficult and left us as a state on our knees before the EU and the IMF. Our international reputation is ruined and despite what Brian Cowen thinks, allowing Irelands citizens and infrastructure to decay in order to save bondsmen will not appeal us to multinational investment. You cannot separate the bank bail out and our government finances, the international markets certainly wont. In reality, the bank bail out places our true deficit in excess of 32%, a truly horrifying figure.
Remember this when the Minister for Finance slashes your social welfare, old age pension, disability payments or single mothers benefits on December the seventh. Remember this when your local hospital loses its A&E, when your local rail line is closed or when your kids cant afford to continue college due to rising fees. This budget has nothing to do deficit reduction. Every cent that is cut from frontline services, welfare benefits and general public spending next year will be redirected at least ten times into our governments bank bail out. You can stop them, but time is running out. It beyond time for the Irish people to pull the rug from under these people, once and for all.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Need for a Wealth Tax in Ireland
Nobody will argue that Ireland is in the midst of a crippling recession, which has left our state dented and on the verge of bankruptcy and occupation by the IMF. However, to say that there is no money left in our country is completely wrong. The gross wealth of Irish households now stands at €1 trillion. The net wealth of Irish households grew by €24 billion last year. Yet our total tax take from all sectors is expected to come in at approximately €30 billion in 2010, among the lowest tax to GDP ratios in the EU. Its clear that some people in this state are not pulling their weight.
The Irish government, backed by a national media obsessed with preserving the status quo say that we must all share the pain. They imply that Irelands wealthy are already contributing more than enough, so Irelands poor must now contribute through the slashing of welfare benefits and public services. The government says that it is impossible to increase taxes on high earners as they already pay a marginal rate of over 50%. This is not quite true, as the marginal rate is the tax paid in the last euro of someones earnings. The effective tax rate these high earners are paying is 20.3%. This means that the frequently quoted statistic of most tax being paid by high earners is misleading. This statistic maybe true of income tax but not of taxes generally. The Commission of Taxation Report lists over 130 tax breaks and exemptions. These are mostly only accessible to high income earners.
The top 1% of our population owns 20% of all our wealth. They owned it before the recession, and will be only too happy to hold onto it while the weak are cut to the bone by our corrupt government on December the seventh.
Sinn Féin propose an income linked 1% wealth tax on assets in excess of €1 million, excluding working farmland. Only the percentagege over the €1 million is taxed, so an individual who's assets are €1.5 million pays 1% of €0.5 million. The provision of an income link will remove the potential pitfalls of those living in homes that have gained in value while their net income remains low. Sinn Féin's calculations, which have been checked by the Department of Finance and leading economists, show that the wealth tax will introduce an extra €1 billion into our national finances in a full year.
The current government will likely say that such a tax would risk a capital flight scenario, where the wealthy move their assets abroad. Such an argument wont stand up as Sinn Féin envisages a wealth tax being based on global assets, much like its French counterpart, the ISF. And for those who say that wealth taxes do not work, just look at France, Switzerland, Holland and Norway, where they not only worked but also introduced additional benefits to raising revenue in those nations. Countries like these are less likely to see over inflated property prices, because nobody wants to overprice their home and have to pay relevant wealth tax on it.
Sinn Féin's wealth tax offers a fairer alternative to the governments slash and burn budget plan. Why cut benefits to the old, the sick and the unemployed when there is a much better alternative available. Fianna Fail and its opposition counterparts wish to protect the super elite and ultra rich who fund their parties. Sinn Féin wishes to protect the ordinary citizens. Its time for the people to make their choice. Its time for change.
The Irish government, backed by a national media obsessed with preserving the status quo say that we must all share the pain. They imply that Irelands wealthy are already contributing more than enough, so Irelands poor must now contribute through the slashing of welfare benefits and public services. The government says that it is impossible to increase taxes on high earners as they already pay a marginal rate of over 50%. This is not quite true, as the marginal rate is the tax paid in the last euro of someones earnings. The effective tax rate these high earners are paying is 20.3%. This means that the frequently quoted statistic of most tax being paid by high earners is misleading. This statistic maybe true of income tax but not of taxes generally. The Commission of Taxation Report lists over 130 tax breaks and exemptions. These are mostly only accessible to high income earners.
The top 1% of our population owns 20% of all our wealth. They owned it before the recession, and will be only too happy to hold onto it while the weak are cut to the bone by our corrupt government on December the seventh.
Sinn Féin propose an income linked 1% wealth tax on assets in excess of €1 million, excluding working farmland. Only the percentagege over the €1 million is taxed, so an individual who's assets are €1.5 million pays 1% of €0.5 million. The provision of an income link will remove the potential pitfalls of those living in homes that have gained in value while their net income remains low. Sinn Féin's calculations, which have been checked by the Department of Finance and leading economists, show that the wealth tax will introduce an extra €1 billion into our national finances in a full year.
The current government will likely say that such a tax would risk a capital flight scenario, where the wealthy move their assets abroad. Such an argument wont stand up as Sinn Féin envisages a wealth tax being based on global assets, much like its French counterpart, the ISF. And for those who say that wealth taxes do not work, just look at France, Switzerland, Holland and Norway, where they not only worked but also introduced additional benefits to raising revenue in those nations. Countries like these are less likely to see over inflated property prices, because nobody wants to overprice their home and have to pay relevant wealth tax on it.
Sinn Féin's wealth tax offers a fairer alternative to the governments slash and burn budget plan. Why cut benefits to the old, the sick and the unemployed when there is a much better alternative available. Fianna Fail and its opposition counterparts wish to protect the super elite and ultra rich who fund their parties. Sinn Féin wishes to protect the ordinary citizens. Its time for the people to make their choice. Its time for change.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Get Ireland back to work - Time to break open our piggy bank
Ireland is in a state of financial meltdown. Over four hundred and fifty thousand people are unemployed. Tax take in will be down this year despite the gross wealth of Irish households now standing at €1 trillion, and net wealth of households growing by €24 billion last year. To put it simply, this country is broken and the system responsible for mending it is inadequate. New thinking is required, and radical change drastically needed.
Our current government are slaves to the orthodoxy of Austerity. They believe that when times are hard, instead of trying to make them better through stimulus and job creation, you should slash government spending and tighten your belts. They firmly believe this and want you to believe it too. That is why the media are working overtime to support the idea that savage cuts are the only game in town. The very sad thing is that they are wrong, and the people who will pay for their mistake are the most vulnerable in our society.
We have had three years of government cuts now, and it is clear that they have completely failed to improve the situation, and have in fact hurt our economy. Madness by definition is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome. Our governments savage cuts plan is madness.
To improve our economy and cut the deficit we need to examine the true nature of our problem. Cutting spending puts people out of work, bringing your tax down and welfare up. Cutting welfare means less private spending and damage to the local economy which leads to more people losing their jobs, bringing your tax down lower and your welfare up higher. More people in work brings more tax in and saves on welfare payments. Simple?
Not simple, but certainly attainable.
Sinn Féin proposes introducing a €7 billion stimulus, administered out over the next 3.5 years in a mass state wide investment programme. The National Development Plan could be redrawn to focus on the more labour intensive and necessary needed infrastructure. Lets put the unemployed from the construction sector back to work building new schools, hospitals, converting empty houses to social housing and improving energy efficiency in homes. Lets employ people to take on specific clerical work from overworked frontline workers like Gardai. Lets put Ireland back to work!
The government will say that such a stimulus is impossible as it would require further borrowing. However, Ireland already has the funds for such a stimulus. The National Pensions Reserve Fund is currently valued at €24.1 billion, €17.3 billion of which is part of a discretionary portfolio controlled by the NPRF Commission, who are responsible for investing it, much of it abroad and in Irish banks. Infact, its fair to say that our government is currently using these funds as a money pot for its banking policy. Sinn Féin says use it to improve the lives of every citizen in this state.
We are calling for a once off transfer from the fund of €7 billion, to fund a stimulus package that would see Irelands unemployed construct and manage vital new national infrastructure. The NPRF Commission are responsible for investing the NPRF money, and this will be an investment.
An investment in the future of Ireland.
An investment for every man, woman and child in this state.
As our investment will be in infrastructure such as schools, creches and broadband, there can be little leakage from our national economy. Instead the investment will slash unemployment, see national tax intake rise, cut the deficit and see a new stronger nation arise. This will get Ireland back to work. What are we waiting for?
Our current government are slaves to the orthodoxy of Austerity. They believe that when times are hard, instead of trying to make them better through stimulus and job creation, you should slash government spending and tighten your belts. They firmly believe this and want you to believe it too. That is why the media are working overtime to support the idea that savage cuts are the only game in town. The very sad thing is that they are wrong, and the people who will pay for their mistake are the most vulnerable in our society.
We have had three years of government cuts now, and it is clear that they have completely failed to improve the situation, and have in fact hurt our economy. Madness by definition is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome. Our governments savage cuts plan is madness.
To improve our economy and cut the deficit we need to examine the true nature of our problem. Cutting spending puts people out of work, bringing your tax down and welfare up. Cutting welfare means less private spending and damage to the local economy which leads to more people losing their jobs, bringing your tax down lower and your welfare up higher. More people in work brings more tax in and saves on welfare payments. Simple?
Not simple, but certainly attainable.
Sinn Féin proposes introducing a €7 billion stimulus, administered out over the next 3.5 years in a mass state wide investment programme. The National Development Plan could be redrawn to focus on the more labour intensive and necessary needed infrastructure. Lets put the unemployed from the construction sector back to work building new schools, hospitals, converting empty houses to social housing and improving energy efficiency in homes. Lets employ people to take on specific clerical work from overworked frontline workers like Gardai. Lets put Ireland back to work!
The government will say that such a stimulus is impossible as it would require further borrowing. However, Ireland already has the funds for such a stimulus. The National Pensions Reserve Fund is currently valued at €24.1 billion, €17.3 billion of which is part of a discretionary portfolio controlled by the NPRF Commission, who are responsible for investing it, much of it abroad and in Irish banks. Infact, its fair to say that our government is currently using these funds as a money pot for its banking policy. Sinn Féin says use it to improve the lives of every citizen in this state.
We are calling for a once off transfer from the fund of €7 billion, to fund a stimulus package that would see Irelands unemployed construct and manage vital new national infrastructure. The NPRF Commission are responsible for investing the NPRF money, and this will be an investment.
An investment in the future of Ireland.
An investment for every man, woman and child in this state.
As our investment will be in infrastructure such as schools, creches and broadband, there can be little leakage from our national economy. Instead the investment will slash unemployment, see national tax intake rise, cut the deficit and see a new stronger nation arise. This will get Ireland back to work. What are we waiting for?
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Plan to Save our Nation
Today Sinn Féin released their pre budget 2011 plan to the country. Already there are people out there attacking it, while the mainstream media does its absolute best to ignore it. Of course this will be the case. Its a radical plan which unashamedly envisions economic recovery through a number of progressive measures which if imposed, would forever alter Irish society, smashing corruption and slashing the gulf between the poor and the very rich in our country. Its no wonder that there are conservative voices out there condemning it Sinn Féin's budget proposals and desperately trying to prevent good change to protect their vested interests.
No one, including the current government, can credibly deny that Sinn Féins economic plan for recovery would fail as it has been rubber stamped by a number of trustworthy sources including Philip Lane. Mr Lane, who is a professor of Macroeconomics at Trinity College is an economist who has been used on more than one occasion by the current government and his findings cannot be disputed by them or anyone else in the mainstream media. Philip Lane has said that Sinn Féin's plan works.
Sinn Féin recognises that the deficit caused by the disastrous policies of the government has to be reduced and that the state cant continue borrowing large sums indefinitely. Sinn Féin also recognises that the governments budget plan, and similar notions expressed by spokespeople from the other opposition parties, will not work, and will result in prolonged economic misery for the people of this nation.
The plan to reduce the deficit by 2014 by imposing savage cuts to front line services will be hugely damaging. It will deflate the economy and worsen the recession. The general consensus among government and certain opposition parties that welfare cuts are needed is madness. Cutting welfare is a false economy and one that ultimately causes misery for those on the receiving end of the policy. People on social welfare put their money back into the local economy. Cut this welfare and you inflict cuts on the local economy. People on social welfare spend their benefits, and generally cant afford long term savings. This spending is essential to boost our economy.
The governments four year plan time frame was made before they decided to bailout the banks with €50 billion in recapitalization. There is no way that the state can separate the impact of its banking policy on its public finances, no matter what Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour say. The government continues to speak of dealing with our "structural" deficit of 11.9%, but if you factor in the bank recapitalization, our true deficit stands at a frightening 32%.
Sinn Féin's pre budget plan sets out to reduce the deficit by €4.671 billion in 2011 and to finance a 3.5 year economic stimulus package of €7.595 billion (€2.595 billion stimulus in 2011). Sinn Féin's proposals, as costed by the department of Finance and leading economists, would bring the deficit back to below the Stability and Growth Pact target of under 3% of GDP by at least 2016, with the potential to eradicate it completely that year. The plan will include a complete overhaul of our failed tax system and the thorough weeding out of financial corruption.
Sinn Féin's plan is based on core republican values that call for all citizens to have an absolute right to a home, a decent education for their children and access to healthcare when they need it. In a time of economic difficulty, there is a moral obligation to protect those most in need. The current government and the impotent "main" opposition parties have abandoned the weak and vulnerable, writing them off as causalities of the international recession and the threat of IMF occupation. They have abandoned you. We have not.
The only silver lining this recession offers us is the opportunity to examine our unfair tax system and tackle the rampant corruption that has infested this state. The top 1% of our population own 20% of all the wealth. The CEO of the HSE earns more than the President of the USA. Our public representatives are currently paid among the highest in Europe, despite growing debt levels. Radical change is needed now.
The current government has continually told us that our situation is dire, and that the state is facing bankruptcy. If this is so, we need radical proposals, not the tired policy of spending cuts. We've had three years of Fianna Fail spending cuts and whats happened? The deficit has grown. This government has a singular stubborn plan, to cut spending, not to cut the deficit. Sinn Féin has a radical plan which will save our economy and get the nation back to work. Its time for change.
No one, including the current government, can credibly deny that Sinn Féins economic plan for recovery would fail as it has been rubber stamped by a number of trustworthy sources including Philip Lane. Mr Lane, who is a professor of Macroeconomics at Trinity College is an economist who has been used on more than one occasion by the current government and his findings cannot be disputed by them or anyone else in the mainstream media. Philip Lane has said that Sinn Féin's plan works.
Sinn Féin recognises that the deficit caused by the disastrous policies of the government has to be reduced and that the state cant continue borrowing large sums indefinitely. Sinn Féin also recognises that the governments budget plan, and similar notions expressed by spokespeople from the other opposition parties, will not work, and will result in prolonged economic misery for the people of this nation.
The plan to reduce the deficit by 2014 by imposing savage cuts to front line services will be hugely damaging. It will deflate the economy and worsen the recession. The general consensus among government and certain opposition parties that welfare cuts are needed is madness. Cutting welfare is a false economy and one that ultimately causes misery for those on the receiving end of the policy. People on social welfare put their money back into the local economy. Cut this welfare and you inflict cuts on the local economy. People on social welfare spend their benefits, and generally cant afford long term savings. This spending is essential to boost our economy.
The governments four year plan time frame was made before they decided to bailout the banks with €50 billion in recapitalization. There is no way that the state can separate the impact of its banking policy on its public finances, no matter what Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour say. The government continues to speak of dealing with our "structural" deficit of 11.9%, but if you factor in the bank recapitalization, our true deficit stands at a frightening 32%.
Sinn Féin's pre budget plan sets out to reduce the deficit by €4.671 billion in 2011 and to finance a 3.5 year economic stimulus package of €7.595 billion (€2.595 billion stimulus in 2011). Sinn Féin's proposals, as costed by the department of Finance and leading economists, would bring the deficit back to below the Stability and Growth Pact target of under 3% of GDP by at least 2016, with the potential to eradicate it completely that year. The plan will include a complete overhaul of our failed tax system and the thorough weeding out of financial corruption.
Sinn Féin's plan is based on core republican values that call for all citizens to have an absolute right to a home, a decent education for their children and access to healthcare when they need it. In a time of economic difficulty, there is a moral obligation to protect those most in need. The current government and the impotent "main" opposition parties have abandoned the weak and vulnerable, writing them off as causalities of the international recession and the threat of IMF occupation. They have abandoned you. We have not.
The only silver lining this recession offers us is the opportunity to examine our unfair tax system and tackle the rampant corruption that has infested this state. The top 1% of our population own 20% of all the wealth. The CEO of the HSE earns more than the President of the USA. Our public representatives are currently paid among the highest in Europe, despite growing debt levels. Radical change is needed now.
The current government has continually told us that our situation is dire, and that the state is facing bankruptcy. If this is so, we need radical proposals, not the tired policy of spending cuts. We've had three years of Fianna Fail spending cuts and whats happened? The deficit has grown. This government has a singular stubborn plan, to cut spending, not to cut the deficit. Sinn Féin has a radical plan which will save our economy and get the nation back to work. Its time for change.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tomorrow's News: Sinn Féin release pre-budget proposals that put the needs of the Irish people and the future of the nation before the needs of the EU, IMF and Corrupt Banks!
Tomorrow, Monday the 1st of November, Sinn Féin will launch their budget 2011 proposals. Yesterday, Wexford Sinn Féin Councillor Anthony Kelly was briefed on the details of the document in Dublin. Speaking afterwards, Cllr. Kelly said that he was highly impressed by the nature of the document, which he stressed puts the needs of all the people of Ireland before the vested interests of our government, their big business backers, the toxic banks, the EU or the IMF.
"Sinn Féin is the only party that does not support the governments reckless cut and burn plan. Our plan will be ran over a six year period, and while offering reform to the terrible wastage in public expenditure, will not cut any front line services, and will not cut people on social welfare. Most importantly, our reforms would be run in conjunction with a massive employment stimulus package, which would get this country off its knees and back to work."
When asked by Wexford Sinn Féin members to verify that Sinn Féin opposed all cuts to social welfare, Cllr. Kelly smiled and said, "Not only does our plan oppose all cuts to welfare, it also calls for the reintroduction of the Christmas social welfare bonus, which would act as a vital stimulus for the local economy, as well as easing the suffering of struggling families, many of whom will be drove into the arms of money lenders this Christmas by Scrooge Lenihan".
Tomorrow the full details of Sinn Féin's pre budget document will be released. This blog would urge everyone who believes that there is something very wrong with this nation and the way that it is being managed to read this document in full, and not to take your understanding of it from a biased media, who wish to keep the current status quo in place.
For those who will think that Sinn Féin's plan cannot work, read the document and make up your own mind, as oppose to being told it cannot work by the people who sunk our economy in the first place.
For the people who say the planned savage cuts are necessary to "balance the books", ask yourself why have the previous four budgets of "fiscal tightening" measures failed to improve our lot, and have actually led to a bad situation getting a lot worse?
For the people who say that Sinn Féin is too small a voice to change our world, This blog points you to the words of the cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead;
"Never doubt that a small band of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
"Sinn Féin is the only party that does not support the governments reckless cut and burn plan. Our plan will be ran over a six year period, and while offering reform to the terrible wastage in public expenditure, will not cut any front line services, and will not cut people on social welfare. Most importantly, our reforms would be run in conjunction with a massive employment stimulus package, which would get this country off its knees and back to work."
When asked by Wexford Sinn Féin members to verify that Sinn Féin opposed all cuts to social welfare, Cllr. Kelly smiled and said, "Not only does our plan oppose all cuts to welfare, it also calls for the reintroduction of the Christmas social welfare bonus, which would act as a vital stimulus for the local economy, as well as easing the suffering of struggling families, many of whom will be drove into the arms of money lenders this Christmas by Scrooge Lenihan".
Tomorrow the full details of Sinn Féin's pre budget document will be released. This blog would urge everyone who believes that there is something very wrong with this nation and the way that it is being managed to read this document in full, and not to take your understanding of it from a biased media, who wish to keep the current status quo in place.
For those who will think that Sinn Féin's plan cannot work, read the document and make up your own mind, as oppose to being told it cannot work by the people who sunk our economy in the first place.
For the people who say the planned savage cuts are necessary to "balance the books", ask yourself why have the previous four budgets of "fiscal tightening" measures failed to improve our lot, and have actually led to a bad situation getting a lot worse?
For the people who say that Sinn Féin is too small a voice to change our world, This blog points you to the words of the cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead;
"Never doubt that a small band of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Seamus Costello Bodenstown oration, 1966
Text of oration delivered by Seamus Costello at the Wolfe Tone commemoration at Bodenstown, 1966.
We have assembled here today to pay our respects to the memory of Theobald Wolfe Tone, the father of Irish republicanism. If we, the republicans of 1966, are to pay a fitting tribute to Tone, it is essential that we examine in depth the ideals for which he fought and died. He believed that the Irish people "had but one common interest and one common enemy; that the depression and slavery of Ireland was produced and perpetrated by the divisions existing between them, and that, consequently, to assert the independence of their country, and their own individual liberties, it was necessary to forget all former feuds to consolidate the entire strength of the whole nation, and to form for the future but one people."
His attitude towards the so-called 'Irish parliament' of the day is also worthy of attention. He maintained that the parliament was a totally ineffective body, that it had changed nothing in Ireland, that the social and political order remained the same, and that, as before, the real power lay with the British Government. He realized that until such time as the Irish people united and demanded their just rights that the wealth of this country would either be controlled directly by Britain, or be syphoned off with the willing connivance of a subservient Irish parliament.
Having seen the problems that existed at the time, Tone in conjunction with the other leaders of the revolutionary movement decided that the first logical step towards a solution was to "break the connection with England, the never failing source of all our political and economic evils."
You may well ask why we of the republican movement, 168 years after the death of Tone, find it necessary to advocate the same course of action that he advocated. The answer is simple. We find it necessary to advocate the same course of action because of the fact that the Irish people still do not control their own affairs, and because their economic and political independence is considered a fit subject for barter or sale by our two subservient puppet parliaments. If the Irish people have any doubt about the truth of this statement and want proof of what I say, they have only to take a close look at the situation that exists today in each part of our partitioned land.
In the North, the destinies of one and a half million of our countrymen are controlled by a puppet regime whose existence for some 45 years has depended on the support of British armed forces. This regime has found to its apparent delight that one of the simplest ways of ensuring its continued existence is by the furtherance of bigotry and sectarianism. Ample evidence of this policy can be found in the recent antics of a certain reverend agent provocateur.
These then are the means by which the British imperialists intend to maintain the people of the North in perpetual slavery. These are also the means by which the working classes are divided against their own material welfare. The pro-British capitalist class who control the economy of the North know very well that, when the people reject those who foster sectarianism, their next step will be to demand a just share of the wealth which they create. These are the real reasons why one section of the community are led to believe that it is in their interest to discriminate against another section. Never are they told that the standard of living which they enjoy, at the expense of their victimized neighbors, is theirs by right - rather are they tricked into believing that these natural rights are a reward for their support of the regime. These tactics serve to ensure that a large section of the population of the North remain loyal to the regime and at the same time do not insist on having a bigger share in the wealth.
In the 26 counties the most that can be said of the position is that it contains one evil less religious discrimination is absent. The political and economic subjection of this part of Ireland to Britain is no less complete than that of the North.
However, British control over the destinies of the people of the 26 counties is not as obvious. This is due in the main to the fact that since 1921 they have had the co-operation of successive quisling parliaments in order to ensure that their interests here are fully protected.
The effects of this economic subjection are obvious in every sphere of life in Ireland at the present time. We of the republican movement have no need to tell the Irish people of the sorry mess which has been made of the economy.
The politicians are telling us every day. They tell us that this position arises as a result of the workers insisting on having a better standard of living. Never are we told that the profits which accrue from our labours are invested abroad by the native and foreign capitalists who control our resources. We are constantly told that we must work harder for the same wages despite the fact that we have to live with an ever increasing cost of living and an ever increasing burden of taxation. Up to now we have been 'advised' that it is wrong for workers to withhold labour in the struggle to wrest a decent wage from those employers whose only role in life seems to be the exploitation of workers. The situation in this regard has now changed radically, with the introduction of coercive anti-worker legislation. We now find that Mr. Lemass, in his eagerness to please his imperial masters, is prepared to use against farmers and workers the same type of repression which was previously reserved for republicans. It now seems inevitable that the republicans in Mountjoy prison will soon find themselves joined by farmers and trade unionists.
We republicans must not be content to criticize those who misgovern both parts of our country. If we are to regard ourselves as true followers of Tone, we must provide the Irish people with an alternative. It must be a realistic and practical alternative. Our target must be the achievement of the ideals set out in the Proclamation of 1916 - the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities for all our citizens.
This in effect means that we must aim for the ownership of our resources by the people, so that these resources will be developed in the best interests of the people as a whole. Some of you may feel that these aims are impossible to achieve until such time as we have an independent all-Ireland government. It is certainly true that some of these aims will not reach fruition until such time as we have an all-Ireland parliament. However, in the meantime, you as republicans have an extremely important part to play in the furtherance of this policy.
It is your duty to spearhead the organization of a virile co-operative movement among the farming community. It is also your duty to use your influence as trade unionists to organise a militant trade union movement with a national consciousness. In short, it is your duty to become active, hard working members of each and every organization that is working for the welfare of all the people and towards the reunification of the country.
You should use every possible opportunity to acquaint the people with our policies on land, industry and finance. We believe that there should be a limit to the amount of land owned by any single individual. We also believe that the large estates of absentee landlords should be acquired by compulsory acquisition and worked on a co-operative basis with the financial and technical assistance of the State.
In the field of industry, our policy is to nationalize the key industries with the eventual aim of co-operative ownership by the workers. The capital necessary to carry out this programme can be made available without recourse to extensive taxation by the nationalization of all banks, insurance, loan and investment companies whose present policy is the re-investment of our hard earned money in foreign fields.
This in short is our policy. This is our definition of freedom. It was Tone's definition, Lalor's definition, Mitchel's definition, and the stated aim of Pearse and Connolly. We can expect the same reaction to the implementation of these aims from the forces of exploitation, whether native or foreign sponsored, as the originators received in '98, '48, '67 and 1916. Therefore, to imagine that we can establish a republic solely by constitutional means is utter folly. The lesson of history shows that in the final analysis the robber baron must be dis-established by the some methods that he used to enrich himself and retain his ill-gotten gains, namely, force of arms. To this end we must organise, train, and maintain a disciplined armed force which will always be available to strike at the opportune moment.
We have assembled here today to pay our respects to the memory of Theobald Wolfe Tone, the father of Irish republicanism. If we, the republicans of 1966, are to pay a fitting tribute to Tone, it is essential that we examine in depth the ideals for which he fought and died. He believed that the Irish people "had but one common interest and one common enemy; that the depression and slavery of Ireland was produced and perpetrated by the divisions existing between them, and that, consequently, to assert the independence of their country, and their own individual liberties, it was necessary to forget all former feuds to consolidate the entire strength of the whole nation, and to form for the future but one people."
His attitude towards the so-called 'Irish parliament' of the day is also worthy of attention. He maintained that the parliament was a totally ineffective body, that it had changed nothing in Ireland, that the social and political order remained the same, and that, as before, the real power lay with the British Government. He realized that until such time as the Irish people united and demanded their just rights that the wealth of this country would either be controlled directly by Britain, or be syphoned off with the willing connivance of a subservient Irish parliament.
Having seen the problems that existed at the time, Tone in conjunction with the other leaders of the revolutionary movement decided that the first logical step towards a solution was to "break the connection with England, the never failing source of all our political and economic evils."
You may well ask why we of the republican movement, 168 years after the death of Tone, find it necessary to advocate the same course of action that he advocated. The answer is simple. We find it necessary to advocate the same course of action because of the fact that the Irish people still do not control their own affairs, and because their economic and political independence is considered a fit subject for barter or sale by our two subservient puppet parliaments. If the Irish people have any doubt about the truth of this statement and want proof of what I say, they have only to take a close look at the situation that exists today in each part of our partitioned land.
In the North, the destinies of one and a half million of our countrymen are controlled by a puppet regime whose existence for some 45 years has depended on the support of British armed forces. This regime has found to its apparent delight that one of the simplest ways of ensuring its continued existence is by the furtherance of bigotry and sectarianism. Ample evidence of this policy can be found in the recent antics of a certain reverend agent provocateur.
These then are the means by which the British imperialists intend to maintain the people of the North in perpetual slavery. These are also the means by which the working classes are divided against their own material welfare. The pro-British capitalist class who control the economy of the North know very well that, when the people reject those who foster sectarianism, their next step will be to demand a just share of the wealth which they create. These are the real reasons why one section of the community are led to believe that it is in their interest to discriminate against another section. Never are they told that the standard of living which they enjoy, at the expense of their victimized neighbors, is theirs by right - rather are they tricked into believing that these natural rights are a reward for their support of the regime. These tactics serve to ensure that a large section of the population of the North remain loyal to the regime and at the same time do not insist on having a bigger share in the wealth.
In the 26 counties the most that can be said of the position is that it contains one evil less religious discrimination is absent. The political and economic subjection of this part of Ireland to Britain is no less complete than that of the North.
However, British control over the destinies of the people of the 26 counties is not as obvious. This is due in the main to the fact that since 1921 they have had the co-operation of successive quisling parliaments in order to ensure that their interests here are fully protected.
The effects of this economic subjection are obvious in every sphere of life in Ireland at the present time. We of the republican movement have no need to tell the Irish people of the sorry mess which has been made of the economy.
The politicians are telling us every day. They tell us that this position arises as a result of the workers insisting on having a better standard of living. Never are we told that the profits which accrue from our labours are invested abroad by the native and foreign capitalists who control our resources. We are constantly told that we must work harder for the same wages despite the fact that we have to live with an ever increasing cost of living and an ever increasing burden of taxation. Up to now we have been 'advised' that it is wrong for workers to withhold labour in the struggle to wrest a decent wage from those employers whose only role in life seems to be the exploitation of workers. The situation in this regard has now changed radically, with the introduction of coercive anti-worker legislation. We now find that Mr. Lemass, in his eagerness to please his imperial masters, is prepared to use against farmers and workers the same type of repression which was previously reserved for republicans. It now seems inevitable that the republicans in Mountjoy prison will soon find themselves joined by farmers and trade unionists.
We republicans must not be content to criticize those who misgovern both parts of our country. If we are to regard ourselves as true followers of Tone, we must provide the Irish people with an alternative. It must be a realistic and practical alternative. Our target must be the achievement of the ideals set out in the Proclamation of 1916 - the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities for all our citizens.
This in effect means that we must aim for the ownership of our resources by the people, so that these resources will be developed in the best interests of the people as a whole. Some of you may feel that these aims are impossible to achieve until such time as we have an independent all-Ireland government. It is certainly true that some of these aims will not reach fruition until such time as we have an all-Ireland parliament. However, in the meantime, you as republicans have an extremely important part to play in the furtherance of this policy.
It is your duty to spearhead the organization of a virile co-operative movement among the farming community. It is also your duty to use your influence as trade unionists to organise a militant trade union movement with a national consciousness. In short, it is your duty to become active, hard working members of each and every organization that is working for the welfare of all the people and towards the reunification of the country.
You should use every possible opportunity to acquaint the people with our policies on land, industry and finance. We believe that there should be a limit to the amount of land owned by any single individual. We also believe that the large estates of absentee landlords should be acquired by compulsory acquisition and worked on a co-operative basis with the financial and technical assistance of the State.
In the field of industry, our policy is to nationalize the key industries with the eventual aim of co-operative ownership by the workers. The capital necessary to carry out this programme can be made available without recourse to extensive taxation by the nationalization of all banks, insurance, loan and investment companies whose present policy is the re-investment of our hard earned money in foreign fields.
This in short is our policy. This is our definition of freedom. It was Tone's definition, Lalor's definition, Mitchel's definition, and the stated aim of Pearse and Connolly. We can expect the same reaction to the implementation of these aims from the forces of exploitation, whether native or foreign sponsored, as the originators received in '98, '48, '67 and 1916. Therefore, to imagine that we can establish a republic solely by constitutional means is utter folly. The lesson of history shows that in the final analysis the robber baron must be dis-established by the some methods that he used to enrich himself and retain his ill-gotten gains, namely, force of arms. To this end we must organise, train, and maintain a disciplined armed force which will always be available to strike at the opportune moment.
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