Duncormick needs speed ramps now!
Rathangan Sinn Féin are calling on the council to deal with dangerous speeding traffic in the village of Duncormick.
Duncormick village is now home to many young families, who’s children are being endangered by reckless, speeding drivers day and night. No precautions have so far been put in place. Sinn Féin Councillor Anthony Kelly recently visited Duncormick to see for himself the situation that exists.
“The people of Duncormick are long overdue a solution to this problem,” Cllr. Kelly said, “Its true that funds are tight at the moment, but people come first and the people of this village deserve to feel safe and to feel that their children are safe. We don’t want a terrible accident in Duncormick before we decide to take action.”
Rathangan SF are now collecting names for a petition to introduce traffic calming measures in Duncormick.When completed, Cllr. Kelly will deliver it to the county council. Cllr. Kelly has also promised to speak to the county council’s senior engineer about the problem, and to work on
possible solutions.
If you feel that there are other areas of your parish that require traffic calming measures to be put in place, then contact Rathangan SF or Cllr. Kelly, and we will get to work on the problem immediately.